Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Adventure Travel to Wansheng Stone Forest

Wansheng Stone Forest Pictures

Wansheng Stone Forest Pictures

Wansheng Stone Forest Pictures

Wansheng Stone Forest Pictures

Wansheng Stone Forest Pictures

Located 165 kilometers from downtown Chongqing, CHINA. Wansheng Stone Forest (Shilin wansheng) is the oldest (formed during the Ordovician period) stone forest and the second largest (the largest is in Guilin) in China.

Forest here has a typical karst display, filled with swords, drums, pagodas, mushrooms and bud-shaped stones and animal forms. This place really could be called a zoo of stoneware.

This place is perfect for you who are adventurous, you can see the wonders and natural beauty.

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