Wednesday, February 2, 2011

International Travel to US Capitol

Perhaps the only thing you know the Capitol is that it is the scene for the annual State of the Union report. If so, you will be surprised and inspired by the House of Representatives Chamber at the speech is only one of many amazing components of the Congress on the huge building. Although not originally designed the impressive parliament building, which has gone through several repairs, so that the government is perhaps the most ambitious nation-building. Powerful architecture, beautifully designed, artistic, and rich, detailed history have come together in this most famous place to work. After all, this is the United States Capitol, the first and most important - the Office for each state senators and representatives in Congress, the committee set up for them, debate, and other legal responsibilities. Visitors to the Congress is likely to want their work is so awe-inspiring.

Great US Capitol StatueGreat US Capitol Statue

Over a thousand watts in the brilliant design of the entire capital. High ceilings, spacious halls and rotundas support the beautiful columns. Ornate murals, walls and ceilings are often vividly dome. Rich fabrics and artistic details, from the Victorian era, elegant and beautiful as its predecessor, the historical renovation of chambers of commerce and integration into the modern art in the entire color scheme. Parliament House is open all year round, except Sundays, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Free admission tickets are available at service stations located in the southwest of Congress Guide to the sidewalk along the bend of the Capitol itself.

Amazing US Capitol RotundaAmazing US Capitol Rotunda

Your group should allow one to two hours to visit this beautiful complex. And to consider security: Do not carry any more than necessary, because many items such as bottles and bags, will not be allowed. Fortunately, your signature book, camera. There are several well-known architectural space, in this famous building. Of course, in the second floor, visitors will find the current House of Representatives and the Senate Chamber. The third layer contains into our gallery to observe the legislative branch in action. But there is so much more than these the building. History permeates every aspect of the case, one of the most important buildings in our country. Whether the old House chamber and one for the Senate has set up a museum space. Renovation of the Senate is old, its original appearance.

US Capitol BuildingUS Capitol Building

This is done in preparation for the 1976 bicentennial. Old chamber in the House of Representatives to be appointed as the Office of the State statue. In addition to amazing architecture, which you will find a statue donated by several countries and honors outstanding residents. Each country is allowed two statues, and now many of the contributions to overflow outside of the shape, the rest of the Capitol. Further became active in the Old Supreme Court history. Third, the secondary branch of the U.S. Congress's Government on a temporary basis, which lasted more than one hundred years. Like the old Senate Chamber, Old Supreme Court has recovered its original appearance.

Beautiful Night at US CapitolBeautiful Night at US Capitol

Like many Parliament House, Parliament House, is recognized as the best large, impressive architectural dome. Was added today to see a time when the Capitol is being expanded. The current dome is located in the perfect proportion of large-scale construction than its predecessor. Under the dome of the second storey building, visitors will find the famous rotunda, or round the room, showing a bust of the president and other sculptures. Walls and lintel, or the area between the walls and crown molding, including the wonderful art, and even extends to the ceiling of the magnificent dome. Small rotundas further demonstrate the beauty of building in other areas of the Capitol. Marble pillar hall, a spacious staircase linking each other's space, completing the magnificent interior. Capitol Hill on the grounds that the design and maintenance, to meet the building itself, it is the audience development. It's park-like environment, fountains and sculptures and further stimulate the visitors. There are several great photo opportunity to commemorate the awe-inspiring tour, and with the advanced planning team can even arrange their own representatives. Perhaps the greatest beauty, in what way our government is, we can all play a part. Similarly, a visit to the U.S. Congress so that we can really wake up our government and where men and women who serve us. This is an irreplaceable experience, any trip to Washington.
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